Case Studies

Carl’s Jr. / Hardee’s

"David&Goliath really seemed to understand the core of our brands' image and attitude, and that came through clearly in the pitch. So, while they presented a fresh new way to portray Carl's Jr. and Hardee's in our marketing communications, they retained the edginess and risk-taking that we have become famous for over the years."
- Brad Haley, CKE's EVP of Marketing

In Store

Since it all starts here, let's start here. Our goal was to add some clarity, continuity, and a little personality, to the stores.

Menu Games

As we moved into the new campaign, we wanted to find a fun way to celebrate messy food and bridge the old work with the new, and maybe even give you a way to impress all the ladies.

Star Card Rewards

A charbroiled burger from CJ’s is a fine reward, but the burgers don’t always fit in your pocket. That’s why we created the Star Card Rewards program. Use your Secret Star Card to earn rewards, including the ultimate reward – a secret burger you get to rub in your friends’ faces. Or eat. Your call.

No shirt, no service. Secret shirt, secret service.

Eating’s more fun when it’s competitive.

Companion App

Eating alone sucks. That’s just the way it is. Lucky for you, there are awesome people waiting in the app store who want to to eat fast food with you.


Premium Hunger Survival Kits


The pitch was huge, and involved an agency full of talented people. We had our hands on a bit of everything, but since you’ve scrolled far enough, here’s a collage of some more highlights:

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